If you wish to fill out this survey anonymously, you may of course do so. If you would like to claim 50$ and +5 points for 1 character, please enter your OOC name and character name below.

How new do you feel you are to Shaman? *

How challenging is it to attain each of these things? *
Too hard Appropriate Too easy
Attaining doubloons.
Attaining level 3 explorer/pirate.
Attaining points.
Customising my character's appearance.
Attaining level mastery.
Attaining a mythical familiar.
Attaining a rank within the castle.
Attaining an extinct familiar.
Obtaining a territory.
Attaining powers.
Attaining coins.
Attaining level 7 character.
Attaining a diploma.
Attaining an ordinary familiar.

Attaining a diploma.

Attaining an ordinary familiar.

Attaining level mastery.

Attaining points.

Attaining a mythical familiar.

Attaining a rank within the castle.

Attaining level 7 character.

Attaining powers.

Attaining coins.

Attaining an extinct familiar.

Obtaining a territory.

Customising my character's appearance.

Attaining doubloons.

Attaining level 3 explorer/pirate.

If you wish to leave a comment or suggestion about question 3, please do so here.

How do you feel about the 'free coin to all first time players' rule? *

New players get 1 free coin to spend as they wish.

How do you feel about the '200$' rule for newbies? *

The rule: "After you have made two in character posts on the game, you may claim 200$ on the updates board."

Would you like to see any of these new features put in place to help newbies out?

Check the ones you would like to see.

How do you feel about a "newbie challenge tutorial/walkthrough" like sim sites have? *

Instead of giving the free coin/200$, newbies would be issued a series of optional challenges when they join which would help to teach them how various aspects of the site work. An example of a challenge would be to go on an exploration or fight a marsh monster. Usual costs would be waived, and after completing each challenge newbies would receive a little prize in terms of points, doubloons etc to help get them established. Completion of challenges would be completely optional.

Please leave any additional comments/suggestions here.