To claim 50$ for yourself and +5 points for 1 character, please enter your name and character's name.

If you prefer to remain anonymous, leave this section blank.

Please tick all that apply. *

Please rate how much you agree with each statement. *
Strongly Agree Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly Disagree
Coins are too hard to get.
Coins are too easy to get.
I am regularly challenged with my writing on Shaman.
Points are too easy to get.
The rules are clear.
Doubloons are too hard to get.
The layout is easy to navigate.
Points are too hard to get.
There's enough events, contests, plots etc to keep me entertained and inspired to write.
Staff are friendly and always willing to help.
Doubloons are too easy to get.
I feel as if my opinion is valued.
I feel happy asking for help if I need it.
There's sometimes too much going on.
If I need information on something I know where to look or who to ask.
If I want something, I feel happy that I can work to earn it.
I enjoy writing on Shaman.

I enjoy writing on Shaman.

If I want something, I feel happy that I can work to earn it.

The rules are clear.

Points are too easy to get.

There's enough events, contests, plots etc to keep me entertained and inspired to write.

I feel as if my opinion is valued.

Coins are too easy to get.

Doubloons are too easy to get.

Points are too hard to get.

Doubloons are too hard to get.

I feel happy asking for help if I need it.

If I need information on something I know where to look or who to ask.

The layout is easy to navigate.

Coins are too hard to get.

I am regularly challenged with my writing on Shaman.

Staff are friendly and always willing to help.

There's sometimes too much going on.

Would you describe yourself as being generally optimistic and confident? *

Please rate how often you experience the following feelings.
Always Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never
I feel like my writing is terrible.
I feel intimidated by other people's writing on Shaman.
I lack inspiration to write.
I feel unwelcome or ignored in the chat box.
I feel as if no one likes me/I have no friends.

I feel like my writing is terrible.

I feel intimidated by other people's writing on Shaman.

I lack inspiration to write.

I feel unwelcome or ignored in the chat box.

I feel as if no one likes me/I have no friends.

Please rank the following new features in the order you would like to see them appear on the site. *

Rank the ones you want more at the top and the ones you want least at the bottom.

  • New version of Haven (breeding)
  • How to code scrollbar layouts
  • Writing prompts (randomisers which tell you what to write about)
  • New version of exploration
  • New version of Macabre Marsh
  • Punctuation guide

If you wish to elaborate on any answer given above or comment on this survey, please do so here.

If you have any suggestions for the site or for the new version, please leave them here.

If you could say anything to someone considering joining Shaman, what would it be?