Guide to Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

- Explains LGBTQ+ terms such as "agender", "cisgender", "pansexual" etc.
- Explores gender identity and the difference between sex and gender.
- Explores sexual orientation and the difference between romance and sexuality.

Searchable database for the ancient language.

- YourWebApps database, same as character database.
- Fully searchable.
- Contains extensive dictionary of ancient language words and phrases, complete with pronunciation and translation to English.

Guide to Muse.

- Discusses how to get muse when you lack inspiration.
- Contains tips for proactive techniques.
- Discusses low self-esteem.

Guide to Creating Character Layouts With Divs

- How to code expanding and scrollbar layouts with divs.
- Step-by-step guide.

Free Character Layout Frames

- Free frames to take and edit for character layouts.
- Expanding table, expanding div, scrollbar.

Please rank order the above features. (1) most wanted, (5) least wanted.
  • Guide to Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
  • Searchable database for the ancient language.
  • Guide to Muse.
  • Guide to Creating Character Layouts With Divs
  • Free Character Layout Frames

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